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The tokenomics of the RESO token are structured to ensure sustainable growth and long-term value appreciation for token holders. Key aspects of the tokenomics include :

  • Fixed Total Supply: The total supply of RESO tokens is capped at 100 million, preventing inflationary pressures and preserving scarcity.

  • Distribution Plan: RESO tokens are distributed through various mechanisms, including initial DEX offerings, community airdrops, protocol airdrops, and public sales. This ensures broad and fair distribution among stakeholders.

  • Utility and Demand: The utility of RESO tokens within the Rectoverso ecosystem, coupled with growing demand for platform services, drives the value and demand for the token.

  • Buyback Mechanism: A strategic buyback mechanism is implemented to support price stability and potentially increase the value of RESO tokens over time. This mechanism uses a portion of the platform's revenue to repurchase tokens from the market, reducing circulating supply and creating upward price pressure.

  • Staking Rewards: Users who stake RESO tokens are rewarded with additional tokens, incentivizing long-term holding and participation in platform governance.

  • Governance Participation: RESO token holders have the power to vote on important proposals and decisions concerning the platform's development and direction. This ensures a decentralized and community-driven governance model.

  • Ecosystem Support: A portion of the token supply is allocated to fund ecosystem development, including grants for developers, strategic partnerships, and community initiatives. This fosters ecosystem growth and sustainability.

Distribution Plan

Initial Supply (100,000,000 Tokens)

CategoryPercentAllocationsVesting Schedule

Initial DEX offering



100% at TGE

Community Airdrop



6-month cliff

Protocol Airdrop



20% at TGE, 20% distributions at 6, 12, 18, 24 months




6-month cliff, 15% distributions every 6 months

Team & Advisors



10% at TGE, 6-month cliff, 30% distributions at 6, 12, 24 months




20% at TGE, 6-month cliff, 10% distributions every 3 months

Research & Development



20% at TGE, 12-month cliff, 15% distributions every year

Partnerships & Alliances



10% at TGE, 6-month cliff, 15% distributions every 6 months

Legal & Compliance



10% at TGE, 12-month cliff, 10% distributions every year

Operational Expenses



10% at TGE, 6-month cliff, 10% distributions every year

Ecosystem Growth



20% at TGE, 12-month cliff, 15% distributions every year




10% at TGE, 12-month cliff, 10% distributions every 6 months




10% at TGE, 12-month cliff, 10% distributions every 6 months





The emissions schedule of the RESO token is designed to ensure a controlled and sustainable release of tokens into the ecosystem. This helps maintain the token's value and supports the long-term growth of the Rectoverso platform.

Emission Schedule

  • Initial Release: A specific portion of RESO tokens is released at the time of the Token Generation Event (TGE), distributed among early investors, team members, advisors, and community participants.

  • Vesting Periods: To prevent market flooding and ensure long-term commitment, tokens allocated to team members, advisors, and strategic partners are subject to vesting schedules. These schedules typically involve an initial lock-up period followed by gradual releases over several months or years.

  • Staking Rewards: A portion of the total supply is reserved for staking rewards. These tokens are gradually released to incentivize long-term holding and participation in the network.

  • Ecosystem Growth: Tokens allocated for ecosystem growth, development grants, and strategic partnerships are released based on the needs and milestones of the platform, ensuring that funds are available for important initiatives while preventing excessive supply.

Emission Control Mechanisms

  • Buyback Mechanism: As part of the platform’s commitment to maintaining the token’s value, Rectoverso employs a buyback mechanism. For every distribution of RESO in the market, 80% of the USD collected is used to buy back RESO tokens at 80% of the distribution price. This reduces the circulating supply and supports price stability.

Inflation Control

  • Controlled Emissions: The platform follows a carefully controlled emission schedule to manage inflation. By regulating the release of new tokens, Rectoverso ensures that the market is not overwhelmed by an excessive supply, helping to maintain the token’s value.

  • Dynamic Adjustments: The emissions schedule may be adjusted based on market conditions and platform growth. This flexibility allows Rectoverso to respond to changes in the ecosystem and ensure sustainable tokenomics.


  • Public Disclosure: All emission schedules and token release plans are publicly disclosed. This transparency builds trust within the community and ensures that all stakeholders are informed about the token distribution process.

  • Regular Updates: The Rectoverso team provides regular updates on token emissions, buybacks, and other relevant information, keeping the community informed about key developments and changes.

Last updated