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Economic Model

The economic model of the Rectoverso platform is designed to ensure sustainability, incentivize participation, and support long-term growth. This section outlines the key components of the economic model, including incentive structures and mechanisms to maintain token value and ecosystem health.

Buyback Mechanism

  • Market Support: A key component of the economic model is the buyback mechanism. For every distribution of RESO in the market, 80% of the USD collected is used to buy back RESO tokens at 80% of the distribution price. This mechanism supports token price stability and potential appreciation by reducing the circulating supply.

Incentive Structures

  • Staking Rewards: Users who stake RESO tokens receive rewards, incentivizing long-term holding and active participation in the network. These rewards are designed to promote network security and governance participation.

  • Community Engagement: Active community members and contributors to the ecosystem are incentivized with RESO tokens. This fosters a strong and engaged community, driving the platform's growth and development.

Controlled Emissions

  • Emission Schedule: The emission of RESO tokens is carefully controlled to manage inflation and ensure sustainable growth. By regulating the release of new tokens, Rectoverso maintains the token’s value and prevents market saturation.

  • Dynamic Adjustments: The platform's emission schedule is flexible and can be adjusted based on market conditions and ecosystem needs. This adaptability helps maintain economic stability and supports the platform's long-term goals.

Transparency and Governance

  • Public Disclosure: The Rectoverso team is committed to transparency. All economic models, revenue streams, and emission schedules are publicly disclosed, building trust within the community.

  • Decentralized Governance: RESO token holders participate in governance by voting on key proposals and decisions. This ensures that the platform evolves according to the needs and preferences of its community, promoting a decentralized and democratic ecosystem.


  • Long-Term Vision: The economic model is designed with a long-term perspective, ensuring that the platform remains viable and competitive in the rapidly evolving DeFi landscape.

  • Ecosystem Growth: Revenue generated from the platform is reinvested into ecosystem development, strategic partnerships, and community initiatives. This continuous reinvestment drives innovation and supports the platform's growth.

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